- Hi Chad! Yes, i have literally logged on just this minute and have seen part 2 of 3 on my wall. :)
I have no problem with you sharing any of my pics for your Blogs. Anytime is Fine by Me!!! I have not got anything to add as regards your writing, vague thoughts only... Dont have my Head in Gear just yet! LOL! When i added my comment on your blog I mistakenly put myself as Anonymous, and could see no way to correct that. could you, if poss? The Movie: Yeah, i went shopping today but could not find it! Damn! I have to have it sooooon, Methinks! :)
Incredible Shrinking Woman? That's new info to me! :)
I am enjoying the dialouge too, Chad. Cool Stuff. Loving your paintings a Lot! My pics are available to Share Anytime! :)
Come to think of it... Jung was Very Interested in World Mythology, and made lots of connections between those stories and our psychological landscape (my own term) and described (at least i think it was him) Astrology, or maybe Mythology, or both, as the "Summation of the Psychological Knowledge of Antiquity." Google that phrase, I'm sure it was Jung said that, though i could be wrong. My Own thoughts on astrology and Mythology (Very Briefly) is that Our Stories have been projected onto the Stars and Planets and that Astrology is Our Way to see how those stories Resonate Within. The movements of the Planets Inform us of the timing of psycological changes Within that are Reflected Without. Science tells us that We are made of Star-Stuff, and, to me at least, it would follow through that this Atomic Connection to the Stars is Well Worth Exploring, Physically and Spiritually. Jung was a Great Student indeed of Astrology. You make your own mind up about what i have said. I am So Pleased and Happy about bieng Included in this Fascinating Dialouge and Exploration! Kool Beanz, Chad! :)
well friend I did as you suggested and it was well worth it; I decided to include the link to an article by Glenn Perry, Ph.D. titled 'The Birth of Psychological Astrology'. I have included a passage from it in this blog:
"Jung (1976)
regarded the signs and planets of astrology as symbols of archetypal processes
that originated in the collective unconscious. The archetypes of the collective
unconscious were the universal organizing principles underlying and motivating
all psychological life, both individual and collective. Whereas mythology placed
its emphasis upon the cultural manifestations of archetypes at various times and
places in history, astrology utilized archetypes as a language for understanding
the basic psychological drives of human beings. As Jung put it, "Astrology, like
the collective unconscious with which psychology is concerned, consists of
symbolic configurations: the planets are the gods, symbols of the power of the
unconscious." The gods of mythology represented the living forces of the
universe that patterned all things. Like Plato's Forms, an archetype was both
subjective and objective; it was evident both in the innate ideas of human
consciousness as well as in the fundamental processes of nature; it informed not
only human experience but also planetary motions."
Thank you very much for allowing me to find this great passage Kevin, great stuff!!! In closing, a definition of Jung's Individuation process is:
"Individuation is a philosophical, spiritual and mystical experience (Jung, 1989b, p. 294). It is the goal of our psychological development and in metaphysical terms amounts to God's incarnation (Jung, 1989b, p. 157). Individuation is the central concept and purpose of Jung’s Analytical Psychology (Jung, 1989a, p. 209)."
In the end after completing the final blog in this series on the subject of Jung and the dialogue between Kevin and I; I've been able to put another finger closer to grasping the concepts of Jung, the collective unconscious, Jung's individuation and how our universe is a reflection of us...I hope readers of these subjects and this blog, as well as Kevin have too:)
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