Sunday, June 26, 2011

Something in Common with Picasso Part 1

Woman in front of Mirror  Pablo Picasso, Oil.
Picasso's teacher growing up was his father and like a father/son relationship he questioned his father's methods and guidelines in search of his way, along with events in his youth like the tragic loss of his 7 yr old sister to diphtheria he went on to became one of the best known artists of all time; and it's these sort of yearnings and events in one's life which makes them great, something all mankind has in common one way or another.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

C.T. Rasmuss' Philosophy on Art

Still Life in Violet, Crystal Vase  C.T. Rasmuss, India ink (2012).

My personal philosophy on art is: Art is what you make it...

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Hard Knocks: Art without Art School: Chris Reeves: Why Am I Doing This?

Hard Knocks: Art without Art School: Chris Reeves: Why Am I Doing This?: "You Mentally Command with your Mind Alone! Tautology n' Architecture Dialectics in Synthetic Materials Chris Reeves: I started ..."