Monday, March 24, 2014

Spring is Here; An Oil Painting by C.T. Rasmuss

Spring is Here  C.T. Rasmuss, oil (Mar. 2014).

In this painting, it's not the technique or outcome that I'm most concerned and or pleased with; if anything it's the title of the oil painting.  This painting I was able to finish in just one session, and completely out of my imagination, and so what about the title??  

Simple: Spring is Here, all of us that live in the Northern Hemisphere know this to be true, we can see the changes all around us, some of us see these changes sooner than others, be it the professions we're in; such as if your a gardener like myself or a farmer, also the regions we live in, etc. 

Speaking for myself, I realized Spring's arrival about two weeks ago, when I noticed new plant growth and perennial shoots coming out of the ground.  And now the calendar states it, but what really grabs my attention every year and calls to me are the wild Daffodils; last year I first noticed them (like the last 4 years) at a place I teach, but this year I first noticed them at the duplex I'm renting:

These happen to be a thing of real beauty, in that they happen all on their own, no one planted them there, and if they did it was long ago, and they are the last of their kind in this place, and fight every year to come back in even greater numbers I would imagine.  They are here and gone so fast, much quicker than other flowers I know of, it's like they announce spring and leave as fast as they came, they remind me of how spring is too, how quick it comes and how fast it goes, turning into summer, which isn't so bad, except for the heat, and lack of rain most summers lately.

All in all they remind me every year to get my but in gear and face the challenge of capturing as much beauty outdoors with my brush, before we're all forced inside again, and I'm forced once again to survive entirely off my imagination.  

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