Thursday, October 11, 2012

Carl Jung, According to our Universe (Part 2of 3)

Eternal 'Loop' of Existence, C.T.Rasmuss (2010)

Wood Engraving, Kevin Loughran
you got me seein a little better(correlations and such) thanks Kevin..

This conversation is a continuation in diologue between Kevin and I on Jung and our Universe so to speak.  I mentioned in part 1 a few days ago that I was going to discuss Jung's Individuation, but after this brief insight I decided to touch on madalas instead; leaving Individuation for part 3 and the final blog of a three part series.   Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning "circle."  In various spiritual traditions, mandalas may be employed for focusing attention of aspirants and adepts, as a spiritual teaching tool, for establishing a sacred space, and as an aid to meditation and trance induction.
To further explain Jung's concepts and connection with the mandal, I have attached the link: Carl Jung: 10 Quotations About Mandalas posted by Stephen Parker, a Jungian Psychologist I came across via Google.
I hope this can lead to some discovery to anyone who reads this information, I can surely say one thing about these two artworks above; it's that they both have somekind of key to our existence as does most art, but in this case it's more specific to which grade and construct/archetype if you will, that these 2 explorations fall into.  Like most of my best paintings happen when I visit them more than a few times to build upon; coming up with better compostition and color, I was able to give my piece a better title today, thanks to the collective unconscious coming to the surface between fellow artist Kevin Lougrhan and I.
**the key word to better describing my discovery (title of artwork above) that I couldn't see w/o the aid of another consciousness...


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